Who I am and what I do

Short biography

I am an occupational therapist (University Universidad National de Colombia) with a MSc degree in Biomedical Sciences (University de los Andes, Colombia) and a PhD in Rehabilitation Science (University of Alberta in Canada). Currently I am doing a PDF on a project at the network Age-well at the University of Alberta. I am also an adjunct associate professor at the University of Alberta, Canada. My research interests are focused on how assistive technologies allow people with disabilities to increase their levels of functioning, capacity and participation.


My research interests

My research project is addressing the research question: What technology-based systems and services should be used to meet older adults and caregivers needs? The project is focused helping older adults to maintain and improve cognitive level through serious games and digital story telling. I am also interesting on investigating the impact of these technologies on social the social engagement, communication and cognitive skills and quality of life of older adults and their caregivers.

I am interesting also in finding clinical evidence about how technologies for preventing falls and wandering improve functional outcomes.

Who I am willing to collaborate with

As an occupational therapist, my boundaries are the evaluation and intervention on occupational performance in order to improve functional outcomes and social participation in elderly. The current project push me to understand the reasoning of other areas such as computer science, engineering, social sciences, behavioral sciences, and management. My research group already have strong interdisciplinary team work between computer science, engineering and rehabilitation medicine. I am interested in learning about the development of serious games for people with dementia and healthy elders.

Source: AdriAgeWell – RSS